Saturday, August 1, 2009

Health Care Reform 2

47 million American citizens. That is the magic number of people who do not have health insurance. Health care might seem like a luxury or a benefit to some of the middle-class but really it is hope for people who are poor, teetering on the edge of poverty, and to these people a government-run plan is like a savior coming from Washington. Because of rising prices, people who do not have large incomes cannot get quality care, and those who are poorer and have some type of care, are afraid to go to the hospital. If they do, they will have a large bill that only gets little coverage which shows us that these people have it just as bad as those who don't have any care.
Most people go with the theory of survival of the fittest when really its survival of the richest. Friends have told me that these people are lazy and if they would stop spending money on DVD's then they would have money for good health-insurance. First of all that is a narrow minded view that sounds like it is coming from Nazi Germany or a 17th century monarch (although they didn't have DVD's back then but you get the point). I have a moral obligation to help the poor and those in need. I understand the idea that now may not be the time for a government-run plan but those who complain about a program running up the national debt fail to see that most of that debt came from the past 8 years. And with more people being insured, then we can make cuts in other federal programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Surely, the government has the means to do it, but how to do it is the biggest challenge ahead. We want the healthcare industry to survive and keep creating jobs and making profits, but how can we do that by creating a government plan that could possibly destroy the industry if it is not done correctly. Great care must be taken when creating a plan in such a delicate economy.
Another thing I would like to address is the complaints about creeping socialism with the creation of a government-run healthcare plan. I don't get how helping the poor and ensuring that the poor don't get poorer is socialism. Socialism is when the government owns the means of production and while it may seem that the government is taking over the healthcare industry, it is not. It is playing a role in it to create competition, which otherwise would be dead without the guiding hand of an activist federal government. The people have spoken and those who complain about Obama not following his campaign promises have somehow stepped in the way of him completing his promises.

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